Day of Theatre Workshops
Postponed until further notice

*Subject to change*
12:00-12:30 - Lunch on your own / Check-in
12:30-1:00 - Opening / Welcome
1:00-1:15 - Room Change Break
1:15-2:15 - Workshop Session A
2:15-2:30 - Room Change Break
2:30-3:30 - Workshop Session B
3:30-3:45 - Room Change Break
3:45-4:45 - Workshop Session C
4:45-5:00 - Room Change Break
5:00-6:00 - Workshop Session D
6:00-7:00 - Dinner on your own (on or off campus)
6:45 - Seating for the production
7:00-9:00 - See ASU’s Production (
Your name tag is your admission to all workshops and your permission to be on ASU’s campus; always wear it. If you lose your name tag, you must replace it at the registration desk at a cost of $5.00. If you are without a name tag you will be asked to leave the campus.
Please turn your cell phones OFF and do NOT leave OR TEXT in the middle of performances or workshops, except for emergencies.
Please be QUIET in the hallways. Workshop classes will be in session.
Please keep the building clean. There are recycle bins and trash cans available.
You must attend all scheduled conference activities. If you fail to attend workshops, performances, etc. without permission you will be asked to leave. The appropriate teacher/chaperone will be notified.
Please be courteous and attentive to all performers and workshop clinicians. This is a privilege!
No alcohol, drugs, or abusive behavior will be tolerated at any time. If you violate this rule, you will not be allowed to continue at any events and the appropriate teacher/chaperone will be notified.
Students may not smoke ANYWHERE on the conference site. If you do so, you will be asked to leave the conference and your teacher/chaperone will be notified. Teachers and chaperones must smoke 50 feet away from the building.
A teacher/chaperone is required to be on campus any time their school’s students are in attendance at conference activities.
*Beverages, food, and gum are not permitted at any time in the theatres, workshops areas, or other performance areas. Appropriate theatre etiquette is expected of both students and teachers/chaperones. Inappropriate etiquette includes feet on seats, disruptive behavior, improper language, the wearing of hats (especially in the theatre), or being discourteous to others, performers, and theatre personnel. You are not only considered guests but also representatives of your individual schools.
*No photographs, videos, sound recordings, beepers or cell phones permitted during any performance in the theatre, one-act performance space, or in workshops.